Sven Lokrantz Special Education Center Home

Learn, Love ...Lokrantz

About Us

I am honored to be joining the community at Lokrantz. I am excited to be a part of this team of amazing educators who are dedicated to ensuring that our students have the best quality education. I am thrilled to be working with and for you.

News & Announcements

SSC Meeting 11/16 at 4

SSC will meet in Room 11 or Zoom Meeting link:
Meeting Id: 699 931 7348 password Lokrantz25


Oct 7

Aug 19

PTA Association Meeting

Time: 9:30 AM – 11 AM
Location: Parent Center

Jun 11

Jun 4


Our Mission

The mission of Sven Lokrantz School is to provide a quality education that ensures that all students have the foundation to become successful lifelong learners' thorough developmentally appropriate learning experiences. Recognizing that each child is unique, instruction is designed to accommodate the individual differences of all of our learners.